All Occasions

All Occasions

Whether it's a simple bouquet of flowers for your loved one or an unusual funeral tribute, our flower arrangements will stand out.

In this current climate why not cheer up a loved one by sending them some flowers!

Orders can be taken over the phone on 01354 696326 for collections, deliveries and funerals. Orders must be pre-ordered by phone and paid for. Payments must be made by card. However social distancing and Government guidance will still be upheld in all situations.

We deliver to: 
Chatteris - £2 (delivery subject to change)
£5 (subject to change) delivery charge for the following areas: Benwick, Doddington, Emneth, Outwell, Mepal, Sutton, Christchurch, Upwell, Three Holes, Wimblington and Welney. When delivering we will ring the door bell/ knock, leave flowers on the door step and step back to ensure we keep our customers and staff safe with social distancing rules set by the Government.

All of our hand ties start from £25.

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